Thursday, November 29, 2012


Thank you for signing up to make a committment to try injecting yourself and your work space with a little more positivity! 

It's just that simple. 

Let's all face it: we are often surrounded by negativity.  There are what seems like hundreds of things that are beyond our control, but instead of being influenced by those often negative things, let's make the conscious choice to focus on the positive. 

Make a committment to youself that you will find a least one thing each day that you notice is positive.  Then pass that on by sharing here, on Seneca private, #theSenecaWay,  or just directly with at least one other person. I like the idea of sharing here because there will be a giant "pool of positive" to take a dip into when you need it.

Maybe you'd like to share a great story of something positive you saw or heard?  You can post it here!  (No student names, please... this is a public blog!)

Maybe you'd like to thank someone who has helped you in some way?  Go give the person a big "THANKS!" You could also write it here or tweet it.  Who says Shout Outs should only be once a month at the start of a faculty meeting?

Maybe you'd like to pass on a compliment you've heard?

Maybe you'd like to do a little something to cheer up a colleague who is having a hard time?

Whatever it is, let's work together to change the climate at SVHS for the better! 

I am taking the challenge!  Will you? 

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